I should be bathing. Myself. The kids. Or shopping for groceries for tomorrow's dinner. Or some other useful gettng ready for Christmas thing. Instead, I'm doing stuff like this quiz about my accent (see sidebar) and cleaning up my bookmarks folder on mozilla. While the kids fight and not get ready for bed. Ah me. We
ll. See, it's all the fault of this excellent book I didn't read but readily discussed at my Moms Club book group today:
Finding out that we just have to let our kids have play space and play time and let them try and let them fail and and...just be there for them to become happy, well-adjusted individuals. That and, get a pet, help them feel part of some kind of community or group, and a few other really key things thay my friend K had the total skinny on. Highly recommended book. Now I HAVE to read it. She and I both wanted to wave it in our mother's faces and say "see! see how you warped us!!" I guess that's a little disturbing. But honest!
But there are finished object pictures to share:
beaded choker
dinosaur washcloth & soap
dino wash cloth and choker (not a set)
I wrapped all our pesents in this brown craft paper with a simple, boldly colored purple ribbon and it was SO EASY! Usually I moan and express great anguish over bulk present wrapping. I get stressed, my back hurts, and the gifts come out looking like my kids wrapped them anyway. With the craft paper, I was so arted-out over the lovinly hand-crafted things inside, that I just wanted something simple, fast, easy, and preferably low-cost (read FREE) to gift them in. The plain paper was perfec
t. The kids helped decorate it before and after wrapping, SOMETIMES, but there was a lot of little things to wrap and after awhile, my eager artists wandered away. So I happily completed almost all the gift-wrapping for friends' kids in a few evenings, while listening to harry potter on CD, and a few knitting-related or harry potter related podcasts. I LOVE podcasts. They are the coolest things ever for this book-on-tape girl.