Thursday, November 16, 2006

Carrots pau. Pattern here. On to more fruit or veges. Trying to think of what I can make the fastest. Need more orange yarn if I make some oranges. Modified a dog ball pattern from a kids' crochet book for that.

Sometimes, while in a knitting frenzy, I get this niggling question in the back of my mind: are you crazy? you're knitting/crocheting carrots (or other fill in the blank item)! Does anyone really care that they're handmade? Anybody else ever get those doubts?


Jillio said...

no, my thoughts fall more along the lines of "what in the world are you going to do with this?" and "who can you mail this to that has a sense of humor?" :)

Wendi said...

Fellow knitters have a sense of humor!!

Beth said...

How do you catch a rabbit? Lie real still and make a sound like a carrot!

Yuk, yuk, yuk!

*Love* the carrots!!