The purple lion is done and...and...well, see for yourself. I added eyebrows and whiskers. Not cute but definitely interesting. Next project: last-minute Christmas projects!!!!! Oh no, it's just around the corner!
Made a bunch of these crocheted motifs and they just looked to pretty to be lost among a zillion identical ones in a large project so perhaps something simpler and smaller would be more appealing and show off each motif's charm. Things like chokers, with or without beads, wristlets - who says you have to have a watch on that wrist - and I even attached one motif to one of my daughter's plain white athletic ankle socks. She LOVES it! I'd show picture of last but the younger one snatched it and it has run away from view, hopefully not home.
Sorry, computer not reading my camera's memory card. post pics later.
Okay, okay, surfing, surfing, and just found this pic that just made me laugh! So here, not leaving you pic-less:
you gotta ask, what the heck is that wolf doing/thinking? Is that for real? I think it is.
That picture is hilarious! He looks like he's playing leap frog!
ya, my hubby thinks it's photoshop. oh, poo. i was hoping it was real.
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