Monday, November 13, 2006

There are times when I view a yarn online and my eyes start to roll back in my head because it is so out of this world gorgeous! That's how I felt about this one: Trekking XXL 78. Do you guys keep a list of DREAM yarns? Just so you can look at them daily on your monitor or next to your bathroom mirror and moan with ocular pleasure? Anyone? Anyone?


Jillio said...

no, i don't keep a list. i'm too much of an impulse buyer & gratification whore for that. i do, however, confess to carrying mini skeins around in my purse.

Unknown said...

...and it's only $8.95? Dang.

Wendi said...

I like that idea! Mini skeins...hmmmm. People will think i've got some weird fetish thing in that big purse o' mine. Tactile yayyy!